The first three chapters of The Hobbit have been translated into Spanish. As the story progresses, the translator does not continue to translate the chapters for fear of spoiling what happens later on. This is a preface or introduction to that translation, with some notes on why it was done and how it compares to previous translations. The Hobbit has been translated time after time into different languages throughout history. It has been translated into Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Norwegian. This website has an introduction to all the different translations throughout history. The Hobbit has been translated into several languages, the most famous being the Swedish translation by Åke Ohlmarks who was also responsible for translating The Lord of the Rings into Swedish. There are also two different Finnish translations of The Hobbit.There have been many children's adaptations to Tolkien's work in recent years. Two of these are shown below along with others. Peter Jackson produced three feature films of the Hobbit in New Zealand, which followed his production of The Lord of the Rings. The first of these was an adaption that was published by Allen & Unwin in 2012, and has received both criticism and praise from fans. The second film was released in December 2013. The third will be released mid-December 2014.There are several videogames based on or inspired by Tolkien's works, includingApart from these incarnations, there are also two role-playing games made celebrating Tolkien's work:The following are lists of works influenced by J. R. R. Tolkien's The Hobbit or by the Middle-earth mythology.Articles Audio-visual materialRelated music videos:Related songs:Related albums:Related poems:Related works and scripts: (pdf) (djvu) (epub) (mobi) Related journals: Related maps and artworks: * A new map of Middle-earth, designed for the "Living" card game, was released as a preview on the site of Free League Publishing as "The Billionth Map", as a tribute to Tolkien's work. Related comics:Related video games:Related programs or scripts: "More recently, the influence of The Hobbit has been recognised in the studies of Tolkien's work by academics. For example, Tom Shippey devotes an entire chapter to demonstrating the link between The Hobbit and one of its sources, "The Story of the Volsungs" from the "Volsunga Saga".." – See this study by Dr Timothy R Casey who says that "Many scholars have also noted that Bilbo's speeches and poetry can be traced to traditional and well-known lays such as "Epic and Romance" (1913) by W. P. 8eeb4e9f32 25
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